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2013 Surface Design Assoc Conference exhibitions

Jun 22, 2013

1 min read




I have just returned from the SDA conference in San Antonio, Texas.One of the best parts was getting to see lots of fibre art exhibitions.One of my favourites was by Naomi Wanjiku Gakunga: A tradition of Strings.

Ng'endo cia Mugendi - The Immigrant's Journey, 2012sheet metal, stainless steel wire; stitching with wire on textured sheet metal, colouration 

Naomi gave a inspiring talk about her work. She explained how every aspect of her work is rooted within her culture and her life experiences.

Magnetha ma njahi - The Big Harvest, 2012stainless steel wire, woven kiondo basket strips, recycled glass beads; stitching and crocheting with wireI was fortunate to have a 3-day, pre-conference workshop in the a studio above the gallery so I was able to visit this exhibition many times.It is very powerful work.

Jun 22, 2013

1 min read





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