Articulation's Victoria Study Session Continues
Sep 17, 2014
2 min read
On the ferry, crossing to Saltspring Island for the day: to visit Articulation member, Shannon Wardroper's home and studio, to check out potential gallery space and time for a little retail therapy.
Stitches Fibre Art Supplies,
http://www.stitchesfibreartsupplies.ca/very kindly opened up their store just for us, even though it was Sunday.
Continuing our study of railway hotels across Canada, we took a tour of the Empress Hotel.
This is the view from a 6th floor corner suite looking out over the inner harbour.
A table in the present day Empress tea room, set for their famous afternoon tea.
On the tour we learnt the tables were made from the original hotel floor boards after it was replaced.
Articulation taking the harbour ferry from the Inner Harbour, below the Empress hotel, up to the Upper Harbour.
We got off at Point Ellice House where we walked the grounds and toured inside the house with its intact, original contents. All chattels both inside the house and in their archives are thoroughly cataloged making it a perfect place to research the Victorian era in Victoria.
Leann Clifford
We did stop for afternoon tea while sitting out on the lawn but passed on a game of croquet.
We toured Fisherman's Wharf with its floating restaurants and floating houses that make up the village.
We continued our driving tour around the Victoria peninsular, stopping and walking the historic sights, including Ogden Point breakwater without a breath of wind and barely a ripple of water.
After a week exploring and researching in Victoria we have returned to our respective studios across Canada to make a body of work for exhibition some time in the future.