On Friday, March 6th we all attended Concert Night Out, one of a series of Friday concerts in the Rolston Recital Concert Hall . As resident artists we get in free to these concerts (We are treated so well here at The Centre). We were most fortunate to catch a very special concert. The first half we heard Linda Andonovska play solo on flute, then Cheryl Law on viola with Cecilia Lee on piano, then Nick Alvarex on cello with Kieth Kirchoff on piano. All wonderful, so young and so accomplished.
The second half of the concert featured a group from Japan who play contemporary Japanese music on traditional instruments. What an experience to contrast their music with what we had just heard.
I managed to get some after-concert images of the group Pro Musica Nipponia and some of their instruments. This instrument is played like a horizontal harp and appears to be quite a physical feat to play.
A tray of percussion instruments.
Those magnificent soul stirring Japanese drums. So we had an uplifting night off after 6 days of work.