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Cleaning the Studio

Oct 26, 2010

2 min read




Then Ron moved inside with the power washer. I got to use a power tool too - the Shop Vac. While Ron sprayed water I sucked it up along with black dirt, grit and 100 years worth of loose paint. See the suction head in the bottom i am trying to operate while taking a picture and trying to avoid being sprayed by water, all at the same time.

The walls and ceiling in the storage and locker rooms is in good condition after cleaning so won't need painting. The floor washed up well and will get a new coat of paint.

I cleaned all of the bathroom stalls and enjoyed it because they are fantastic. The walls are thick slabs of slate with lots of faint graffiti accumulated over the years. The doors are heavy solid wood. The metal fittings are all brass and nickle.

One lot of graffiti i found protected behind a spare door in one of the stalls and I washed around it because it is so interesting.

My guess is it appeared when the building was still an elementary school because the drawing was done by a shorter person. Peter, the president of the college, thinks it is post-WWII- early 50s, going by the style of the planes.

I cleaned the spare door and put it back to continue protecting this bit of history.

Now the studio is clean - you could eat off the floors! But we are still going backwards as far as how the rooms look.

We are leaving the rooms for a couple of days to dry out then Keith, the custodian of the building, will put all of the furniture temporarily back in place for the classes being held in the rooms this week.

Painting is the next stage.

Oct 26, 2010

2 min read





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