Cryosphere - Hydrosphere completed and out there
Aug 14, 2016
1 min read
Cryosphere II - Hydrosphere, 80"h x 50"w, machine sewing, dry felting, stuffing; nylon, polyester, net, cotton, beads, glitter, Timtex, cotton and rayon thread.
An exploration of the way water changes its molecular structure each time it shifts from a frozen state to a solid-state and back again. It is a process known as a phase change and is unique to the water molecule.
Stuffed icicles of frozen water with bead-filled ends.
Attaching all icicles and flowing water panels together.
Attachment to the hanging device
While visiting hardware stores, fishing stores, pharmacies, a haberdashery and chandleries I bought clip-rings, lure swivels, silicon hair ties, tapes of hooks and eyes and nylon cord. I worked with them all to find a hanging device that would allow the panels to hang freely, hang straight and reposition themselves after being moved.
I settled on the tapes of hooks and eyes.
I bounced ideas off Ron, my resident problem-solver. He made a solid wooden frame to hang the work from.
All packed and ready to go with one and a half hours to spare - just enough time for a shower before I have to leave for the gallery.
At the gallery attaching the hooks to the eyes.
Velcro to hold on the pelmets. An eye screw and carribenna type attachment to hold the wire to suspend the work from an overhead beam.
Cryosphere - Hydrosphere was my entry in the recent Vancouver Island Surface Design Association's annual exhibition 'Current Threads 2016' installed at the CACSP's Tulista Gallery.