The Joshua Creek Gallery housed the World of Threads Festival exhibition
De rerum natura ( On The Nature of Things).The festival curator, Gareth Bate, looked at all of the work submitted then decided on groupings and themes. He "observed that environmental work is the most dominant theme in contemporary fibre art."These are some of the works I particularly liked in this exhibition.
Leanne Shea Rhem,
Armour, 2011
Hand-made kozo paper and lambskin leather were stitched together to make a dressed, life-size human form.
Kozo was a popular medium in the festival but no 2 artists used it in the same way.
Emily Jan,
Durer's Rhinoceros, 2011Emily's title refers to the woodcut Albrecht Durer made in 1515, of a rhinoceros, an animal he had never seen. He worked from a description written by an explorer who had returned to Europe. Durer modeled it after what he was familiar with - metal and leather amour.
Wiki - "probably no animal picture has exerted such a profound influence on the arts".
Emily, likewise has made a rhinoceros from the familiar materials we cover ourselves with - our clothing.Recycled garments & textiles and resin.Knitting, crochet, eyelet embroidery, button fastenings, lace edgings.
This suspended rhino made everyone smile.