Kaipara Coast Sculpture Gardens Exhibition 2016, New Zealand
Jul 2, 2016
1 min read
While in New Zealand recently we visited the Kaipara Coast Sculpture Gardens to see the 2016 exhibition.
This was one of my favourites.
After walking along the hydrangea avenue one sees at the end Janette Cevin's 'Hydrangeas'.
Large-scale hydrangea paintings with their glossy highly decorative metal surfaces covered in acrylic and resin are larger than life and draw the viewer in.
Audrey Boyle's 'Kareao (Supplejack)' is made of steel to mimic nature.
Jane and Mario Downes 'Taraxacum Forest' is also made of steel and mimics nature in an overblown scale.
Marlyne Jackson's 'Beneath the Willow Tree'
Reminiscent of yarn bombing, Marlyne works to express the struggles of recent immigrants...
...making a new life for themselves.
Margaret Johnston's 'Sleep Out' is like a miniature Janet Morton installation...
...until one gets up close to it.
Margaret remembers childhood summers spent sleeping in a pup tent in the back yard and playing beside the sea. She feels sad about how these activities are now polluted by the huge amount of dumped waste from the telecommunications industries. She knit the tent from this waste.
"What are we doing to our land?"