The first Fine Arts Textiles course is nearly finished. We started with 2 basic hand stitches then spent 2 full days a week for 5 weeks exploring the qualities of many variables possible with these 2 stitches. And we barely scratched the surface.
Throughout the course different students often shared an area of expertise which added so much to the whole learning experience for everyone. Here Barbara Gilbert demonstrates to the class.
On Monday we spent time getting work 'hanging ready' then mounted samples and 2D projects on boards.....
... in preparation for the Victoria College of Art Christmas Show, www.vca.ca.
The last class is Friday. In the morning the students will work together to install an exhibition of their work and they will return in the evening in their role as docents while the college is full of guests invited to come and celebrate the students' work.
In the Textile Studio space there will also be demonstrations of stitching, fabric painting and felting.
The learning will continue for the students throughout the weekend as they practice talking about their work. They provide a personal connection with the work that many viewers look for.