My friend Carol made me a quilt!
It is a very special quilt because usually Carol makes her quilts for babies who have to spend time in hospital and she makes them for her family.
They are made from previously worn cotton velour clothing she finds all over the city.
She cuts them up and with her painterly eye she transforms them into works of art.
My quilt was inspired by a Mark Rothko painting, a painter whose work Carol knows I admire.
There is a surprise on the back - a Marimekko fabric to make a perfect match.
I feel honoured Carol gave me a piece of her treasured Finnish fabric from her collection.
A close up to show the elegant simplicity and genius of a Marimekko design.
Oops! This a poor image of the Rothko painting that inspired the quilt - and I have posted it lying on its side.
Mark would not be happy. In fact he was not happy with the way the original owners of the painting planned to display it either. This is just a 'sketch' of the real thing but he never made the painting because the owners of the hotel were going to hang it in a dinning room. Mark couldn't bare the thought of people eating in the presence of his work so he withdrew from the commission.
What would he think of it as a cosy quilt?
Thank you Carol.