Sprinkle Dyeing and Sun Printing Results
Sep 15, 2016
1 min read
Here are my results from a day out in the sun sprinkle dyeing and sun printing.
This fabric had previously been dyed and still needed work.
I sprinkled on a mixed dye. It is interesting to see how the blue migrated further than the red before the damp fabric dried out. The red blob in the bottom is where I sprayed the fabric with water during the drying process.
This dye is made up of many different colours and is sold as black.
Sprinkle dyeing produces a distinctive look that
easily identified when used in a work.Here are my sprinkle dye results washed and ironed. Admittedly some of the fabrics began as pre-dyed uglies but in most cases sprinkle dyeing has not improved them any. They are still ugly but I may find areas I need that I can cut out. That is the only reason why they will go back into my stash.
My sun printing results were much more promising.
In this sample, I used woven twig place mats and glass stones as resists.
The other samples were produced by twisting painted fabric into knots. The top right sampIe I added a spritz of water to after it was knotted.
So mixed results after a fun day out in the sun with friends.