Here is one of the project owners checking out the installation of the floor joists.
Another advantage of the concrete filled foam block foundation is that it is a bearing wall, meaning it is strong enough to hold the floor joists and floor bearers are not needed - another saving in materials.
The building was designed to be narrow enough that the single span floor joist can be supported by the wall down the centre of the crawlspace. No extra support is needed.
Here is Dave, the lead/head carpenter on the job, attaching a perimeter board to the floor joists.
Next he and Jeff secured plywood on top of the floor joists making the first layer of the main room floor.
One day I came home from a meeting to find this. The first wall was assembled while lying flat, then somehow raised and secured.Â
Now it is really beginning to look like a building.
That is rain on the camera lens, not snow. It continues to fall making the site muddier and muddier. The backfill soil is too compacted and saturated for the rainwater to percolate through it so the water accumulates in puddles. Ron went out with a shovel and pick to make channels for the puddles to flow down the hill, away from the construction site.