The post office delivered more art work yesterday. This morning I have been gathering up all of the things we will need to hang the show.
Wendy and Derek will be in the middle of the Rockies at the moment as they drive over to the island today.
I am about to go out to the airport to pick up Ingrid and Bob who are flying to the island.
I have also spent the morning planning the exhibition layout.
This is the Drawing Room at the college where I plan to hang Articulation's most recent body of work, Rainforest. This probably where the Opening Reception/Open House will be held and the location of all the demos and workshop help over the 2 weekends the exhibition is up.
During the Open House on Friday evening, 6:30 p.m. to whenever, most of the faculty will be present also so people interested in taking a course at the college can meet up with the instructors. Of course there will be nibbles and drinks too so it should be a great evening.
This is the Photography/Print Room (de-blacked out) where I plan to install the Winnipeg body of work. It is down stairs in the lower level.
This is the Art History/Art Therapy Room where the Links body of work will go.
That's the plan anyway. It is always good to go into a project with a plan and then keep flexible. Ultimately we will put the work where it looks its best. And it will all look so good in this lovely 100 year old building that was built as a place of learning.