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2013 SDA Conference

Jun 25, 2013

1 min read




Naiomi Wanjiku Gakunga standing in front of her work in the Russell Hill Rogers Gallery on the Navarro Campus, after giving a moving presentation about her life as an artist and the importance of storytelling in her culture and her work.

In the same gallery Michael James had a solo exhibition,'Organising Nature`.This work is titled `The Idea of Matter`, 2010.He prints digitally manipulated images onto cotton, dyes cloth, machine pieces and machine quilts.

À System of Classification` 2009Michael was also one of the featured speakers. He spoke of his personal experiences with life and art over his forty-year career. It was one of the highlights of the conference.

Some students had made these felt flowers.

They kept appearing and disappearing in different garden beds around the campus.

Jun 25, 2013

1 min read





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