While doing research on Tyndall stone that has been used extensively in public and private buildings through Canada, I was delighted to read it was also known as tapestry stone.
I took the idea of weaving and used a random darning stitch to make a woven fabric (burlap as the base cloth).
Tapestry is also associated with the idea of the coming together of many parts, and a popular metaphor for Canadian society.
Going through my stash, I selected fabrics yarns, ribbons and threads I could identify as originating from another country and used those.
When exhibiting 'Tapestry' and 'Walls Talk' (same technique and materials), I don't list all of the materials because it would make the wall label too big.
Here, for the first time is the complete list of materials in these 2 works:
New Zealand cable sock yarn - sent to me by my mother within the 1st few months of immigrating to Canada
China silk scarf
Outer Hebrides Shetland sheep tweed yarn
Brown Sheep Nebraska lightly felted wool yarn
Indonesian cotton batik fabric
European linen
Indian crepe cotton
Japanese nylon scarf
American cotton bed sheet
Finland hand spun linen thread
Thai silk fabric