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Banff March 23

Mar 23, 2009

1 min read




This was the walk to the studio yesterday. There was not as much snow on the ground because the trees had caught so much of it. But when we walked back to the dinning room at lunch it was warmer so big blobs of snow fell on top of us & we were quite wet when we arrived. The campus is a buzz this week. Many of the artists in residence are finishing at the end of the month. They are pulling all-nighters, planning their open houses/exhibitions/presentations, and getting their publicity out around the campus.

There is much excitement in the music & sound area of the campus. I have seen people looking at large sheets of music over breakfast, people carrying hard black cases running between buildings, a filming crew following people and now the music huts near us have little pink signs on them. On Thursday we will hear the results of all of this activity. It is eagerly anticipated event.

Mar 23, 2009

1 min read





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