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Eco-Printing aka India Flint & More Sampling

Apr 8, 2012

1 min read




I went back to sampling more eco-printing using India Flint's methods.

There was dyeing rather than leaf printing...

...but they weren't my marks.

Did I need to leave a body print, visible evidence I have touched the cloths and left my DNA, just as the trees have done?Image of Colin Jenkins' stitched body print 'Purge' - (Source: Embroiderers' Guild (2006)  

Art of the Stitch  Scholar,

Surrey: EG Enterprises, p. 14).

Or maybe stitch into the cloth with my own dentritus, my hair?Image of Tabitha Kyoko Moses' self portrait, stitched with human hair - (Source: Embroiderers' Guild (2006)

Art of the Stitch Scholar,

Surrey: EG Enterprises, p. 36).I sampled but didn't feel the efforts added to my understanding of the trees I wanted to get to know.

Apr 8, 2012

1 min read





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